Sunday, February 3, 2013

Get Ready for Evasi0n: Save iOS 6.1 SHSH Blobs

With the iOS 6.x jailbreak slated for release on Monday, those planning to jailbreak should take one step to make sure their devices can always be restored to iOS 6.1 after Apple stops signing the firmware. If you have to restore your iPhone in the future, it pays to have SHSH blobs saved so you can always go back to an earlier, jailbreakable version of iOS.

Apple could always close loopholes with iOS 6.1.1 or later, making it more difficult for the evad3rs to successfully jailbreak. Once Apple stops signing an older version of iOS, you must have your SHSH blobs to restore. There are only a few simple steps and a free software package required to protect yourself from losing the iOS 6.x jailbreak. The extra insurance is worth the time it takes to follow these instructions:

1. Download and install the latest version of TinyUmbrella from The Firmware Umbrella onto your computer.

2. Connect your iPhone to the computer with a USB cable and run TinyUmbrella.

3. Select the iOS device you wish to save SHSH blobs for from the left menu under Connected Devices.

4. Select the Advanced tab from the main program window and uncheck the box labeled Request SHSH From Cydia.

5. Enter the path where you want to save your SHSH blobs in the Save SHSH Directory field. You can leave this set to the default path if you want.

6. Click the Save SHSH button in the upper right hand corner.

7. Select the Log tab from the main program window and verify that the latest firmware is listed as successfully saved. At the time of this writing, iOS 6.1 will be the only version that is still being signed by Apple, and will be the only SHSH blobs saved to the Save SHSH Directory.

Now you should have a local copy of the SHSH blobs required to restore to iOS 6.1 stored in a single file in the directory defined by the Save SHSH Directory path. The evasi0n jailbreak is currently 93 percent complete, and will be released to jailbreak all iOS 6.x devices on Monday.


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